Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A small hissy.

Do you know someone, someone who thinks they walk on friggin water... and if you don't bow down to their every word they think when you do say something you are "passive-aggressive"?? People like this really piss me off. And I am anything BUT passive-aggressive. I'd say I'm more.. just.. aggressive. LOL! I don't mince words and I say what I mean. I also say what I think. Sometimes that isn't always good, but at least you know where you stand with me.

Okay, vent over!


Shawn said...

Wow..can't imagine who you would be talking about.

Nosonew said...

Actually, you can't. It isn't anyone you know... LOL! It's NOT who you are thinking of! LOL

ChiefChick said...

I think the "bitch-slap" was invented for these kind of people :)

brneyedgal967 said...

No, I know no one like that. Never have.